Access to the EHS Assistant Home Page


EHS is happy to provide an updated version of an updated Environmental Health Safety Assistant (EHSA). Use the link above to log in with your LSU ID account credentials:

The EHS Assistant is an environmental management database that is available online to researchers and staff within the LSU community.  EHSA is user friendly and provides strong inventory and training programs with compliance features.  You will find the new EHS assistant easy to use and directions for each task.

The program is web based.  Your LSU ID and password allow access to the system.  If you have difficulty accessing the system, please contact EHS and we can adjust the internal security settings so that you will be able to see information relating to your research group.

EHSA facilitates advanced tasks.  These tasks include managing chemical inventories, registering a laboratory or chemical storage space, new project review, generating door signs, laboratory hazard assessment, requesting a waste pick-up, and responding to inspections.  To perform these advanced tasks, lab personal have to access the EHSA system.   New Pi’s are requested to use the permit worker section to add or delete personnel as needed.   The training section shows the status of on-line training for lab personnel.  If you need to perform any of these tasks, please refer to the EHSA User Handbook, prior to initiating the login process to EHSA.

If you aren't able to log in and you have already asked your PI or supervisor to add you, contact EHS for help at 225-578-5640.


The EHS Assistant Handbook provides step by step directions for PI's and Users.


For chemical Inventory questions or additional bar codes, contact Dr. Taylor Santaloci