Advisory Board | LSU Department of Communication Studies

HBB Advisory Board


The HBB Advisory Board was established in fall 1996 to act as the HBB's decision-making body. The Advisory Board addresses past, present, and potential issues regarding the facility and the public performances and classes that occur there. Advisory Board members undertake to make decisions that are in the best interests of the HBB community, and aim to be efficient, creative, consistent yet flexible, and fair in the decisions they make and activate. Consistently, the most important decision the Advisory Board makes is the selection and scheduling of events for the upcoming season.


The Advisory Board consists of six members: A performance studies faculty member, the HBB manager, one undergraduate student, a M.A. student, a Ph.D. student, an ABD Ph.D. candidate. Both full and part-time students may sit on the board. Typically, students volunteer or are appointed to serve for a full academic year. Individuals may serve longer terms if there is a favorable consensus amongst the community.



The Advisory Board meets two to four times during each of the fall and spring semesters. Although the roles and responsibilities of the members vary from year to year, typically the faculty representative or the HBB manager sets the agenda and the manager serves as secretary.


Performance Studies Faculty Representative

Dr. Tracy Stephenson Shaffer

HBB Manager

Dr. Hal Lambert

Undergraduate Representative

Christian Wise

M.A. Student Representative

Autumn Passman

Ph.D. Student Representative

Jess Kintigh

ABD Ph.D. Candidate Representative

Ethan Hunter