DSM Courses

Core Courses for students earning either a Concentration or a Minor in DSM


  • GEOG 2200 Hazards, Disasters, and the Environment (3) Exploration of the interaction processes between natural/technical hazards and society that cause disasters; introduction to the natural and technological hazards and disasters; hazards and disaster management; environmental considerations and impacts.
  • GEOG 2210 Fundamentals of Emergency Management (3) Service-Learning (S-L) course. Introduction and overview of emergency management functions and processes in federal, state and local governments; roles of nonprofit and private organizations in disaster planning, response and recovery; critical management issues in effective response and recovery to natural and man made hazards. Students are expected to participate in a service-learning (S-L) project as part of the requirements of this course. See “Service-Learning” page for more information.
  • GEOG 4200 Hazard Risk Reduction (3) Exploration of advanced concepts and practices in the geography of hazard risk reduction.

Select One (1)

  • GEOG 4044 Computer Cartography (3) No programming knowledge necessary. Introduction to selected mapping packages.
  • GEOG 4045 Environmental Remote Sensing (3) Basic energy and matter relationships; principles of primary remote sensors; environment studied via remote sensing techniques.
  • GEOG 4047 GIS (3) Geographic information systems used in land resource management and planning; data structures and algorithms for automated retrieval and analysis of spatial data; structuring cartographic data into spatial data; integration of remotely sensed data into geographic information systems.

Elective Courses for students earning a Minor in DSM

Select two (2)

GEOG 3001 Geography of Louisiana (3)

Development and current distribution of physical and human geography of Louisiana.

GEOG 4013 Meteorology (3) Prereq.: GEOG 2050 or equivalent.

Temporal and areal variations in composition and structure of the atmosphere; meteorological instruments and measurements.

GEOG 4014 Climatology (3) Prereq.: GEOG 2050 or equivalent.

Climatic phenomena; methods in development of regional climatology.

GEOG 4015 Phys Climatology (3) Also offered as ENVS 4015. Prereq.: GEOG 4013 or 4014 or equivalent and MATH 1552 or equivalent.

Exchanges of radiation, energy, matter and momentum between the earth’s surface and the atmosphere that produce characteristic environmental conditions near the ground important to both rural and urban land uses.

GEOG 4018 Geography Hydrology (3) Prereq.: MATH 1021 or equivalent. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab.

Analysis of basic hydrologic processes with geographical perspective; variability of runoff and groundwater; floods and droughts; climatic and land use impacts on local and global water resources.

GEOG 4022 Geomorphology (3) Prereq.: GEOL 1001, 1003.

Basic principles underlying the study of land forms; emphasis on processes shaping the natural landscape.

GEOG 4029 Coastal Res & Management (3)

Introduction to coastal environments and contemporary global coastal and estuarine management.

GEOG 4078 Environment and Development (3)

Geographic theories and methods for analyzing relationship between environment and development.

GEOG 4221 Tropical Atmosphere (3) Prereq.: GEOG 4013 or 4014.

Comparative analysis of the tropical and mid-latitude atmospheric circulation systems, including monsoon systems, tropical cyclones, and easterly waves; elements of interannual tropical variability such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

GEOG 4997 Global Change (3) Special Topic.

GEOG 4995 Internship (3)

Faculty supervised field study with an agency or organization whose mission is considered relevant to the emergency management system or disaster planning, response or mitigation.

ANTH 4909 Doing Oral History

ANTH 4090 Ethnographic Methods (3)

ANTH 4997 Environmental Anthropology (3)