Permit Reference Guide
If you possess a valid permit but are not sure where to park on campus or which lots you have access to, please use this helpful Permit Access Guide. You can also visit the Interactive Campus Map, which will provide you with the exact location of all parking lots and zones across campus.
D Permit: Reserved 24/7- May only park in the assigned parking space and X lots.
![C Parking Permit](
Faculty/Staff C Permit: Provides access to park in their assigned C lot, B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
![B Parking Permit](
Faculty/Staff B Permit: Provides faculty/staff access to park in B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
![Employee Commuter Parking Permit](
Faculty/Staff A Permit: Provides access to park in the A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
(E1) Employee Evening 1 Permit: Provides employee access to park in the B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots across campus after 4:30 PM.
(E2) Employee Evening 2 Permit: Provides employee access to park in the B lots, A/Commuter lots, Park & Geaux, and X lots across campus after 2:30 PM.
(UAB) University Administration Building: Provides access to the University Admin Bldg., Park & Geaux, and X lots.
(USG) Union Square Garage: Provides student access to park in the Union Square Garage lot and the Park & Geaux lot.
(C) Union Square Garage Permit: Provides access to the Union Square Garage C lot, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
Commuter Permit: Provides access to park in the Commuter, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
View a map of Commuter permit zone access areas.
Greek Permit: Provides access to park in the Greek, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
View a map of Greek permit zone access areas.
Resident Permit: Provides access to park in the Residential, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
View a map of Residential permit zone access areas.
Law Permit: Provides access to park in the Law, Park & Geaux, and X lots.
View a map of Law School permit zone access areas.
(U) University High Permit: Provides access to park in the assigned U-High lot and
X lots.
View a map of University High permit zone access areas.
(R) Retiree Permit: Provides access to park in B lots, Commuter, Park & Geaux, and
X lots.
View a map of Retiree permit zone access areas.
(NG) Nicholson Gateway Permit: Provides access to park in the Residential, Park &
Geaux, and X lots.
View a map of Nicholson Gateway Residential permit zone access areas.
(PG) Park & Geaux Permit: Provides access to park in Park & Geaux lot and X lots.
View a map of the Park & Geaux permit lot.
(AG) AG Permit: Provides access to park in AG Lot and the X lots.
(X) X Only Permit: Provides access to park in the X lots across campus.
View a map of X permit zone access areas.
(CU) Credit Union Permit: Provides access to park in the Campus Federal Credit Union lot and X lots.